Core77’s Production Methods series

Take a look around–do you see all that stuff surrounding you that was mass-produced? The light fixture, the metal plate over the electrical outlets, the doorknob, the computer you’re reading this on–you know that all of this stuff came out of a factory, but maybe you’re not sure exactly what process was used to make it.

All industrial design students are usually required to take a production methods class, but we recognize that not everyone on this site is or was an ID student. So, for those of you who have ever looked at a manufactured object and wondered “How was that made?” we present our Production Methods series of entries.

As our list of methods covered continues to grow, you’ll soon be able to look at any object and identify the processes, some of them quite fascinating, used to turn it from raw material into finished product.

Please hit the jump and bookmark this entry, as over time we will continue updating it as an index of every production method we can document. Wherever possible, we’ll use video and photos to help you understand the process.


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