Core77 Live 1 Hour Design Challenge at ‘A Better World by Design’


We took the Core77 1 Hour Design Challenge on the road to “A Better World by Design,” last weekend, a 3 day student-run conference at Rhode Island School of Design and Brown University. Focusing on climate change, slum living, and over-dependence on fossil fuels, the underlying message of the conference was how individuals can (and have) effect change by empowering communities to collaborate and act now.

If the 1 Hour Design Challenge is the kind of activity you save for a rainy day, that day arrived in full force last Saturday. Breaking for lunch, attendees were put into small teams, given a large sketch pad, sharpies, and this design challenge:

For this Live 1 Hour Design Challenge, Core77 invites you to redefine, redesign, and re-imagine… “The Next TV Dinner.”

The TV Dinner, first introduced to the world in 1953, promised convenience, affordability, and a revolutionary way to serve meals to your family. As the advertisements proclaimed, there was “No Work Before” and “No Dishes After!”

In 2009, the landscapes of consumption, food, health and entertainment have seen radical change: Childhood obesity is up 400%. The average American household has a TV playing for 8 hours and 14 minutes every day. 66% of Americans regularly watch television while eating dinner. Add to these statistics the reduction of time families spend eating meals together, the onslaught of processed foods into our diets, and the widespread use of unsustainable food packaging, and you’ve got a area ripe for design intervention


Most teams stuck closely to brief (an instant meal), addressing issues of nutrition, locally sourced food, closed loop systems for delivery, recycling and various takes on cloud based apps with user profiles, rating meals and netflix-style ordering systems.

A number of entries incorporated an educational component ranging from healthy eating tips to conversational topic starters for the dinner table. Surprisingly there wasn’t a single twitter-based entry and only one iPhone App. The vibe was great, there was a lot of valuable dialogue and it created an opportunity for participants to mix with each other in a meaningful way–especially given the diverse background of attendees and age range.

Click through to see the finalists & winning entry.


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