Competition: ten copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Competition: Dezeen are giving readers a chance to win the pilot issue of Pages Of magazine as part of our series of features on new publishing ventures.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Pages Of is a new culture and urbanism magazine that focuses on original content and promoting new voices and we’ve got ten copies to give away

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

It is co-edited, designed and published by journalist and curator Crystal Bennes and art director Cecilia Lindgren.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

The pilot issue includes a six-page takeover by a group of north London teenagers and other pieces on the cult of creativity, a walk through Essex, skin, food, internet love, consumerism and a photo essay on married couples.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

This issue can also be purchased online at

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Pages Of will be published three times a year and the next edition, issue one, will be out in November 2012.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “Pages Of magazine” in the subject line. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Read our privacy policy here.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Competition closes 7 August 2012. Ten winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeenmail newsletter and at the bottom of this page. Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Subscribe to our newsletter, get our RSS feed or follow us on Twitter for details of future competitions.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Other publications in our series on new media ventures include Useless: Critical Writing in Art and Design written by Royal College of Art graduates and Disegno magazine.

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