Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Competition: Dezeen has teamed up with the editors of Pages Of magazine to give readers the chance to win one of five copies of the first issue.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

After publishing the pilot edition of Pages Of last year, editors Crystal Bennes and Cecilia Lindgren have completed the first issue of the culture and design magazine.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

This issue contains 88 pages of articles, photographs and illustrations by international contributors.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Content includes a photo essay about twin sisters in Paris and a piece on how society is affected by cricket.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

The magazine has launched on Kickstarter to help cover printing and distribution costs. Backers will receive the magazine before anyone else, a copy of the pilot issue and first look at Issue Two, depending on much they contribute.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

Issue One will be available from independent retailers and the Pages Of website soon after the Kickstarter campaign finishes at the beginning of October.

Competition: five copies of Pages Of magazine to be won

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “Pages Of issue one” in the subject line. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers. Read our privacy policy here.

You need to subscribe to our newsletter to have a chance of winning. Sign up here.

Pages Of magazine issue one

Competition closes 21 October 2013. Five winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeen Mail newsletter and at the top of this page. Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

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