Competition: five copies of It’s Nice That Issue #5 to be won

It's nice that Issue 5

We’ve teamed up with It’s Nice That magazine to give away five copies of Issue #5 of their bi-annual printed publication.

It's Nice That Issue 5

The 128 page magazine includes the best from the website over the last six months plus features and interviews with designers including Matt Pyke, Rob Ryan and Adrian Shaughnessy.

It's Nice That Issue 5

A specially commissioned print called Nice by Letman comes free with each copy.

It's Nice That Issue 5

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “It’s Nice That Issue #5” in the subject line. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers.

Read our privacy policy here.

It's Nice That Issue 5

Competition closes 19 April 2011. Five winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeenmail newsletter and at the bottom of this page. Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

Subscribe to our newsletter, get our RSS feed or follow us on Twitter for details of future competitions.

It's Nice That Issue 5

Five winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeenmail newsletter and at the bottom of this page.

Subscribe to our newsletter, get our RSS feed or follow us on Twitter for details of future competitions.

Here’s some more information from It’s Nice That:

It’s Nice That Issue 5

Introducing the new issue, a new look and a new subscription! Highlights from Issue #5 include interviews with Erwin Wurm, Matt Pyke and Rob Ryan as well as Adrian Shaughnessy writing about “design as art” in an essay titled ‘The Crapness of Things’, a look at John Divola’s ridiculously impressive body of work as well as delving into the record collection of Trevor Jackson.

It's Nice That Issue 5

Features (29 Pages)

Writer Justin Taylor riffs on all things “Nice”; Adrian Shaughnessy writes about “design as art” in an essay titled The Crapness of Things; Letman, aka Job Wouters, offers a rare glimpse of his sketches with the help of friend and photographer Qiu Yang; we profile the American artist and photographer John Divola’s ridiculously impressive body of work; sculptor, teacher and collector Tony Hayward presents his Indian rat trap collection; and designer and DJ Trevor Jackson reveals his 10 favourite new and old tracks.

It's Nice That Issue 5

Interviews (56 Pages)

Issue #5 also features interviews with sculptor Erwin Wurm (whose work French Police Cap graces our cover, the first full colour photographic image to do so), digital artist Matt Pyke, artist and illustrator Rob Ryan, photographer Isabella Rozendaal and Canadian artist Wilford Barrington.

It's Nice That Issue 5

Work (40 Pages)

The work section (presented in the first pages of the magazine) features Wyne Veen, Joseph L Griffiths, Martin Usborne, FriendsWithYou, Julien Berthier, Stefan Glerum, Ann Toebbe, Richard Barnes, Sarah Illenberger, Jon Rafman, Josef Schulz, Luis Dourado, Harmen de Hoop, Claire Morgan, Hisham Akira Bharoocha, Dane Lovett, Peter Garfield and Olek.

It's Nice That Issue 5


And we’re also pleased to announce that Letman has produced an exclusively commissioned print entitled “Nice”, which will come free with all subscriptions, and will also be available in the shop for £8.

128 pages of advertising free content. 275 × 210mm.
Designed by It’s Nice That in collaboration with Joseph Burrin.
Printed by Push.

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