Colour Injector lamp by Taras Sgibnev

The colour of light emitted by this lamp can be controlled using syringes filled with red, green and blue ink (+ movie).

Colour Injector by Taras Sgibnev

Russian designer Taras Sgibnev developed the interactive product as a physical expression of the way red, green and blue light are used in digital interfaces to create a full spectrum of different hues.

Colour Injector by Taras Sgibnev

“The project represents the process of analogue to digital conversion of colours,” said Sgibnev. “As a result any colour can be generated through the RGB-based mixing system.”

Colour Injector by Taras Sgibnev

Syringes suspended below the lamp are connected to another set inside the body using clear tubes so the ink can be seen moving towards or away from the lamp.

Colour Injector by Taras Sgibnev

The handles of the syringes inside the lamp are attached to sliding switches connected to an Arduino microprocessor that controls the colour output of rings of RGB LEDs.

Colour Injector by Taras Sgibnev

“The syringes allow people to gradually change the colour of the lamp light in an unconventional way by providing a simple and intuitive interface,” explained Sgibnev.

Colour Injector by Taras Sgibnev

The LED bulbs are fixed to a reflective cylinder that ensures an even light penetrates the translucent plastic cover, which sits between a wooden base and lid.

Colour Injector by Taras Sgibnev

The lamp can be suspended with the syringes dangling from the bottom or turned upside down to sit on a table.

Colour Injector by Taras Sgibnev

The post Colour Injector lamp
by Taras Sgibnev
appeared first on Dezeen.

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