Cologne Design Festival 2009: Video Drive-By: Stephan Landschuetz: Sporthocker

As part of this year’s Passagen at the Cologne Design Festival, Stephan Landschuetz presented his Sporthocker (sport stool) at the Designers Fair in the Rhein Triadem. The designer impressively shows of what one can do with a stool, the design of which has been heavily influenced by Stephan’s long term involvement with skateboarding.

View Core77’s other Cologne Design Festival Posts:

>> Cologne Design Festival 2009: Video Drive-By: Mirror in Mirror & Bendy Coat Stand

>> Cologne Design Festival 2009: More Design from the Rhine

>> Cologne Design Festival 2009: IMM: Atelier van Lieshout

>> Cologne Design Festival 2009: Passagen: Global Street Food

>> Cologne Design Festival 2009: IMM & Passagen


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