Cogito Ergonomics Sum
Posted in: UncategorizedpIn the sexily named IErgonomics Today,/I Ian Chong has posted an article entitled “A HREF=”″ Design from an Ergonomist’s Perspective; Ergonomics from a Designer’s Perspective – Perhaps It Should be Both/A.” Chong is a professional hybrid that you’d think would be common, but is actually quite rare: He’s both a professional ergonomicist and an industrial designer. “But currently [in the design industry],” he writes, “the two as far apart as the Twilight characters and daylight…I have a box full of things labeled as ergonomic [and] some of these things are pathetic, most are laughable.”/p
pChong sounds off on the obvious need for these disciplines to work more closely together, and provides an example of where to start:/p
blockquoteWhen I was teaching grad school I brought two classes together, one from the NYU ergonomics school combined with another from Brooklyn’s Pratt Institute design school. I paired up the students into project teams; each team had at least one from Pratt and one from NYU. The goal was to introduce the disciplines to each other and to expose each of them to each others way of thinking. And guess what? The final projects evolved from the input of each team member and resulted in changing the way of thinking for each of the students. Needless to say that I was pleased with their interaction and found that each student readily accepted another viewpoint and resulting in a final project reflective of appropriate solutions and creative thinking. As I saw some of these students in following years, I was constantly reminded by them what a great class this was, mostly from the varying opinions, input and collaborations. Truly this was successful in combining the two disciplines in a harmonious and creative way. /blockquote
pGive the whole article a read A HREF=”″ here/ /
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