ChowMama’s Adventurous Eating

By Rebecca Odes


Inspiring parents around the nation to treat their children to a healthier way of life, ChowMama‘s Michelle Chrisman and Stacie Billis aim to challenge the tastebuds of little tykes everywhere. With an upcoming line of savory organic baby food called ChowBaby and their blog full of creative recipes and tips launched last February, the pair make for a go-to resource for how to improve the diets of kids—and the parents who raise them.

What inspired you to start ChowMama?

My business partner Michelle and I started creating ChowBaby organic baby food about two years ago due to a lack of appealing organic baby food options, which led to our blog. We believe that all parents—even working parents without the time to make any or all of their baby food from scratch—have the right to feed their children organic, all-natural and preservative-free foods that actually taste good.

As moms, we have been deeply disappointed by how many food brands, along with the FDA, that have failed us and our children. ChowMama is a way for us to start building a community and an honest dialog with other parents.

Why is it important to be an adventurous eater and to translate this to even the youngest of palates?

More and more research indicates that the food choices we make when our children are little shape who they are and how they eat for life. Childhood obesity is still on the rise, type-2 diabetes is striking in childhood for the first time and there is still general confusion in America about what it means to eat healthy. The physical aspect of “adventurous eating”—that healthy foods create healthy bodies is one side, the other is a social-emotional aspect. Food and eating are inherently social, a way we interact with family, friends, and the world. Encouraging adventurous eating is part of raising open-minded, independent, and environmentally responsible people.

How will your products better than most baby foods available?

ChowBaby tastes better, looks better, smells better and is more like the homemade foods children eat around the world—made with herbs, spices and soul.


What are some of the biggest mistakes parents make when feeding their kids?

Continue reading after the jump.

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