Chick-a-Dee Smoke Detector

A playful alternative to this home necessity


While navigating the endless maze at the 2012 NY International Gift Fair, we came across this playful take on a home essential, the smoke detector. The Chick-a-Dee is, simply put, a smoke detector shaped like a bird; it brings a bit of life to a device designed to protect it. As the winner of the Mooi uit de brand design competition, the Chick-a-Dee previously sold in the Netherlands and has just recently been approved for sale in the U.S. The cutesy appliance draws on the American Black-capped Chicadee for its size and sound, replicating the bird’s iconic “chick-a-dee-dee” call at the first sign of smoke then emiting a louder, more sustained 85 db sound as smoke thickens.


We love the fresh thinking and fun approach from the multitalented Dutch artist and designer Louise van der Veld, bringing design ideation to a corner of the home where it’s not normally found. Now let’s just hope the batteries are easy to access for those unfortunate—and all to frequent—burned dinners. The Chick-a-Dee smoke detector is now available online in white, white with black base, pink and blue for $75.

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