Chemical-free cleaning in a raygun-like package

pimg alt=”0ionator.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”434″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pThose crazy-looking devices are not bottles, though they hold bottles inside; the photo is deceptive in that the objects are around a foot tall, about the size of some power drills./p

pSo what are they? Those are ActiveIon’s A HREF=”” Ionator/A product, which uses a proprietary technology to turn simple tap water into a chemical-free antibacterial spray cleaner./p

blockquoteDeveloped from advanced high-cost technology used in food-processing plants and four-star restaurants, the Ionator EXP uses ionization to convert tap water into a powerful sanitizer that’s been tested and confirmed to kill 99.9 percent of common bacteria with a simple six-second spray of nontoxic ionized water./blockquote

pThe things are not cheap–the household version on the left starts at $169 and the professional-grade version at right goes for $329–but they’ll supposedly last for 3-5 years, during which time you won’t have to buy Windex, Fantastik and what have you. Check out the video below, where it’s kind of shocking to see that you can spray the same stuff you use to clean a stovetop onto your toothbrush–after all, it’s just water./p

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