Checking in on Who is Newly in Charge at Design and Architecture Schools


School is either back in session for most or getting to be that way soon. Homes of higher education are big places and with every new term comes some new faces, as professors and deans and various important people of important position move around a bit. Fortunately, there’s Architectural Record, who has just put up this post about who is going to be running the show at various design and architecture schools across the country, all in one helpful spot. There’s Dagmar Richter, the new head of Cornell‘s architecture program, Joel Towers taking over the design program at Parsons, and Lorne Buchman taking over at LA’s Art Center College of Design after some recent discomfort with their former leader, Richard Koshalek. The list should also serve as a bit of a downer for you, once you see the list of resume credits you need to become a dean of a big name design/architecture school — sadly, “I read UnBeige every couple of days” doesn’t seem to cut it anymore. What a world.

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