Charting the minutes of night in Helsinki


Helsinki is one of those places that experiences extremes of light and dark, with nearly endless nights in the wintertime and almost none in the summer. Anotonio Scarponi of Conceptual Devices in Zurich, Switzerland has devised a calendar that maps out this extreme seasonal change throughout the year on a bar graph.

The months march across the horizontal axis while the hours, listed vertically from noon to midnight, index the minutes of night experienced by each particular calendar day, which is then infilled in black. It results in a solid curve of changing light, jogged twice for the time change.

Bonus: the lunar phases are also charted across the midnight axis, and the whole thing is superimposed with R&eacutevalit#eacute;, a work by Finnish Poet Cia Rinne.


The project is entitled Yökalenteri, which means “Night Calendar” in Finnish. See it in higher res here or in person at the “Terra Infirma” show at ISCP in Brooklyn, NY. Other participating artists include Rosa Barba, Laurent Grasso, Alban Hajdinaj, Marie Velardi.

Terra Infirma
Opening Reception: Thursday, January 14 6-9 PM
Gallery Hours: Friday, January 15, 2-16
Open weekly until February 14 every Saturday and Sundays 2-6 PM
ISCP. International Studio & Curatorial Program
Brooklyn, NY


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