Charles Gwathmey Designed Park Avenue Apartment Goes Up for Sale

Have a few million dollars to spare but not the kind of Robert A.M. Stern money where you can get the architect to build you something entirely new? Well you’re in luck, as this Charles Gwathmey-designed apartment at 1185 Park Avenue has just been put on the market. The legendary architect, who passed away last year (making it difficult for even Stern to hire him now), designed the apartment in the early 1990s, building it for Carol and Alan Pomerantz in the very tony pre-war coop. The NY Times has a great profile on the apartment, including information on the process of the family working with Gwathmey to design the place to, according to the listing, “a sixteenth of an inch, with the precision of a watch,” going as far as even asking the Pomerantz’s about their shoe sizes so he could customize the closets, making sure everything fit just-so. The price for the recently updated apartment is a cool $5.75 million, so if that’s in your budget, make your move.

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