Change the Record by Paul Cocksedge

Change the Record by Paul Cocksedge

London designer Paul Cocksedge moulds discarded vinyl records into a range of amplifiers for smartphones.

Change the Record by Paul Cocksedge

Called Change the Record, the products are made by heated and moulding the plastic disks into a funnel shape.

Change the Record by Paul Cocksedge

They amplify the sound from a phone placed inside through their shape alone.

Change the Record by Paul Cocksedge

Cocksedge will make some of them as part of a live performance on 27 August at Ron Arad’s Curtain Call installation at the Roundhouse, where guests can bring their own LPs for transformation.

Change the Record by Paul Cocksedge

Curtain Call is an installation of 5600 silicon rods, hanging in a circle to form the backdrop for films and performances. It remains in place until 29 August and you can watch a movie of its construction on Dezeen Screen.

Change the Record by Paul Cocksedge

Above: Paul Cocksedge

Photographs are by Mark Cocksedge.

Change the Record by Paul Cocksedge

Above: Ron Arad

The details below are from Paul Cocksedge:

Change the Record

During a live performance to music, designer Paul Cocksedge will be heating and moulding old LPs to give them new life as vinyl speakers that amplify music from smartphones. Visitors are encouraged to bring their own 12” record to see it transformed into a unique object. Speakers will be available to buy at the event.

This event forms part of Bloomberg Summer at the Roundhouse, during which internationally re-nowned artist, architect and designer Ron Arad will create a unique installation for the iconic London building – Curtain Call.

27th August, 4.00 – 7.00pm
The Roundhouse, Chalk Farm Road,
London NW1 8EH

Special thanks to Wildercreative who fabricated the exhibition structure.

See also:


Phonofone II by
Tristan Zimmermann
Music Cage
by Nendo
Natural Speakers
by Joon&Jung
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