Swing Bar by Duffy London

Product news: furniture brand Duffy London has surrounded this bar with swinging seats instead of stools.

Swing Bar by Duffy London

Duffy London suspended 24 chairs around all four sides of the rectangular Swing Bar.

Swing Bar by Duffy London

Hung on thin wires from a freestanding frame, the chairs appear to float in midair.

Swing Bar by Duffy London

The steel bar is powder coated in white, black or combinations of the two, plus other options on request.

Swing Bar by Duffy London

Duffy London previously used the same concept for a boardroom meeting table and we’ve also published a swinging sofa.

Other bar designs that have featured on Dezeen include one set among ribbed timber framework and another made of 420 IKEA storage boxes.

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House in Ofuna by Level Architects

Playground swings can be hung both inside and outside this Japanese house with a corner sliced off by Level Architects, the firm that previously completed a residence with a slide connecting its floors (+ slideshow).

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

Located in the city of Kamakura, the three-storey family house was designed by Level Architects with a series of children’s play areas, including a courtyard garden, a rooftop balcony, a large bedroom and a loft playroom.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

Metal hooks allow residents to attach a swing to the ceiling in the ground-floor hallway. They can also hang either a swing or hammock across the L-shaped balcony on the middle floor.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

From the street, the house appears as a large timber-clad cuboid that appears to have had its western corner sliced away, revealing the location of the courtyard garden and surrounding balcony.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

“The cutaway corner of the exterior wall is adjusted so that it comes down to a height of a handrail, creating privacy at just the right level without completely enclosing the [first] floor outdoor terrace,” said the architects.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

The building’s entrance leads through to an area that the architects refer to as an “inner terrace”, which is separated from the surrounding rooms by split levels. “The floor level can also be utilised as a bench,” added the architects.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

The double-height living and dining room spans the width of the first floor and features high-level windows that bring in natural light without compromising privacy.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

Two mezzanine loft rooms flank the space from above and feature internal windows so that parents can keep an eye on children playing upstairs.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

Children’s playgrounds have provided the inspiration for several of Level Architects’ projects. The studio completed its house with an indoor slide in 2011 and have also worked on a residence with an indoor skateboarding area.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

Other Japanese houses on Dezeen recently include a combined home and dog-grooming salon and a house raised up on pilotis. See more houses in Japan »

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

Photography is by Makoto Yoshida.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

Read on for more details from Level Architects:

House in Ofuna

This design, which cuts away the western corner from this extruded volume of the site, created a focal point within the house, while still enabling a connection to the surrounding exterior environment. The cutaway corner is able to establish a direct view onto the small hills west of the house, as well as retaining privacy from the street below.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

The use of natural wood material for the extruded volume itself allowed the design to incorporate a hard edge at the cutaway corner, creating a sharp and distinct separation from the rest of the design. This triangular surface edge also helps to break up the solid aspect of the design and somewhat control its presence onto the street.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

The interior planning of the first floor revolves around layers of space; the terrace, inner terrace, and then the private bedrooms, all surround the enclosed symbolic tree planted in the inner garden. Level changes were also implemented to create different opportunities for the children’s room and its relation to the inner terrace; the floor level can also be utilised as a bench, allowing multiple uses to the open space. The inner terrace can also be viewed as a spacious entrance hall, which allows the extensive walls to be enjoyed as large storage areas as well.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects

The second floor living/dining/kitchen space enjoys a ceiling height of more than 3.5 meters. Looking towards the street you are able to view the triangular cutaway corner framing the hills beyond, as well as the symbolic tree sprouting up from the first floor. This tall ceiling brings in enough light to brighten up the loft, creating a sunny, playful space for the children, while still being connected to the living room below.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects
Ground floor plan – click for larger image

The cutaway corner of the exterior wall is adjusted so that it comes down to a height of a handrail, creating privacy at just the right level without completely enclosing the second floor outdoor terrace. The windows placed throughout the east and south side of the house take into consideration the neighbouring buildings and so are located at relatively high locations, controlling both light and the view into the home.

House in Ofuna by Level Architects
First floor plan – click for larger image

Site: Kanagawa Pref., Kamakura City
Site area: 135.44m²
Building footprint: 66.64 sqm
Total building area: 121.70 sqm
1F area: 66.64 sqm
1F terrace Area: 7.94 sqm
2F area: 55.06 sqm
2F terrace area: 11.43 sqm
Loft area: 10.69 sqm
Loft terrace area: 11.81 sqm
Construction type: Wood frame
Stories: 2 stories + Loft
Completion date: 03/2012

House in Ofuna by Level Architects
Second floor plan – click for larger image

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Level Architects
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Chop Stick by Visiondivison

A 30-metre-long felled poplar tree protrudes either side of this kiosk by Swedish studio Visiondivision to support a row of playground swings at a country park in Indianapolis (+ slideshow).

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

The architects were commissioned by the Indianapolis Museum of Art to design a small kiosk for the surrounding 100 Acres park and they decided to create a structure that uses every part of a single felled tree.

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

“We investigated the different possibilities of harvesting something from Indiana and making it into a building,” Visiondivision‘s Ulf Mejergren and Anders Berensson told Dezeen. “We really wanted to show where this building came from, take use of the raw materials’ different properties and make it almost educational.”

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

All the wood for the kiosk was strategically taken from the branches of the poplar tree. “Every board had to be calculated exactly and we had to point out where each board was coming from,” said the architects.

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

The shingle cladding was made from the removed bark, which was flattened and dried in a kiln before reuse, while the leaves and flowers were pressed to make ornaments and even the syrup extracted from the bark was repackaged to be sold as snacks.

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

The remaining trunk was slotted through the walls to provide the structure for the swings and frame the outline of a picnic area.

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

Wooden trusses support the ceiling of the kiosk to ensure it is strong enough to support the weight of the tree and swings.

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

Summarising the project, the architects added: ”We sometimes tend to forget where everyday things come from. Things doesn’t just pop up from thin air. Everything has a history and this was a very important aspect of the project.”

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

Another Visiondivison project that incorporates trees is The Patient Gardener, an hourglass-shaped hut Milan won’t be complete for 100 years. See more stories featuring trees »

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

Above: elevations – click above for larger image

We also recently featured another set of playground swings, which generate enough power for their own lighting.

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

Above: kiosk construction diagram – click above for larger image

Photography is by Eric Lubrick (IMA), Donna Sink and Visiondivision.

Chop Stick by Visiondivison

Above: concept diagram – click above for larger image

Here’s a project description from the architects:

Visiondivision was commissioned by the Indianapolis Museum of Art to create an innovative concession stand for the 100 Acres: The Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park.

The design is based on the universal notion that you need to sacrifice something in order to make something new. Every product is a compound of different pieces of nature, whether it is a cell phone, a car, a stone floor or a wood board; they have all been harvested in one way or another. Our project is about trying to harvest something as gently as possible so that the source of what we harvest is displayed in a pure, pedagogic and respectful way—respectful to both the source itself and to everyone visiting the building.

The raw material we selected is a 100-foot yellow poplar tree, the state tree of Indiana, known for its beauty, respectable size, and good properties as hardwood. We found a great specimen standing in a patch of forest outside of Anderson, Indiana. Our goal was to make the best out of this specific poplar tree, from taking it down and through the whole process of transforming it into a useful building that is now part of one of the finest art parks in the United States. As the project proceeded, we continued to be surprised by all of the marvelous features that where revealed in refining a tree into a building; both in the level of craftsmanship and knowledge of woodworkers and arborists, and also of the tree itself.

The tree was then transported to the park site, where it became the suspended horizontal beam of this new structure, which is almost entirely made out of the tree itself. The tree’s bark was removed to prevent it from falling on bystanders, a process that occurs naturally as the moisture content in the wood drops, causing the tree to shrink and the bark to lose its grip. Craftsmen loosen entire cylinders of bark from the trunk that are then flattened and cut into a standard shingle length. The shingles was carefully stacked and placed under pressure to avoid curling. The stacks was then kiln dried to the proper moisture content, sterilized, and kept in climate-controlled storage until they where ready for use. Bark shingles are very durable, long lasting (up to 80 years), and maintenance free.

After debarking, pieces of wood are extracted from the suspended tree and used for each of the components of the concession stand; structural support of the construction, pillars and studs for the kiosk, swings under the tree for kids, chairs and tables to be placed under the tree’s crown, from which special fixtures made out of bark pieces will hang. Many school children visit 100 Acres, and we had those kids in mind when we decided to hang swings from the tree. On a smaller scale, we explored ways to use other parts of the tree in the concession stand, including pressed leaves and flowers that were taken from the tree and that became ornaments in the front glass of the kiosk.

We also made Yellow Poplar syrup that was extracted from the bark of the tree and that will be sold in the kiosk, thus meaning that you could actually eat a part of the building.

The delicate balance act of the risk of weakening the hovering tree with taking cuts from it versus having to have a certain amount of wood to stabilize and construct the kiosk and carrying the load from the tree itself was very challenging.

Many days was spent with the structural engineer trying different types of cuts in a computer model to optimize the structure. To be able to fit all pieces that needed to be taken from the tree into the actual cuts we needed to make drawings for every single piece taken from the tree. We also needed to optimize the kiosk both in size and in its constructions since it would take a lot of weight from the hovering trunk. The kiosk got a truss frame construction with two larger pieces of wood that are right under the tree. Using the schematics from our engineers force diagram program, we concluded that the wall closer to the end of the tree was taking more load, thus we sized up the two larger pieces of wood in that specific wall. All these alterations really just made the project more beautiful since the design became more refined in terms of more balanced proportions.

Architects: visiondivision through Anders Berensson & Ulf Mejergren
Local architect: Donna Sink
Client: Indianapolis Museum of Arts
Location: 100 Acres: The Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park at The Indianapolis Museum of Arts. Indianapolis, IN, USA
Curators: Lisa Freiman & Sarah Green
Structural engineer: Dave Steiner
Contractor: The Hagerman group
Logger: Dave and Dave

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