Horseless Rocking
Posted in: Horseless Rocking, Studio VeQuesta Horseless Rocking disegnata da Studio Ve odora di cavallo anche se il cavallo non c’è!
Questa Horseless Rocking disegnata da Studio Ve odora di cavallo anche se il cavallo non c’è!
Une horloge murale unique créant un mouvement 3D, grâce à un travail du Studio VE (Shay Carmon et Ben Klinger). Une nouvelle lecture du temps à comprendre suivant les positions car les aiguilles construisent une forme, en fonction de l’heure. Explications en vidéo dans la suite.
Shay Carmon and Ben Klinger of Studio Ve in Israel have created a clock where the two hands are linked by a striped paper-like material, creating ever-changing 3D shapes as the hours go by.
Called Manifold Clock, the striped sheet is made of Tyvek, and slowly curls and unfurls.
Here’s a tiny bit of information from the designers:
The Manifold Clock.
We connected the clock’s two hands with a manifold to create a 3D movement.
The time can be read traditionally using the two hands, while a new reading method is created when clock demonstrates an ever-changing form every minute. It is a combination of modern design and simple mechanics.
Hand in Hand Clock by Yen-Wen Tseng | Continue Time by Sander Mulder | The Bent Hands by Giha Woo and Shingoeun |