Majestic Lion Made of 4000 Metal Scraps

Selçuk Yilmaz, artiste basé à Istanbul, a imaginé une incroyable sculpture de lion en utilisant pas moins de 4000 morceaux de ferraille. Cette superbe sculpture est intitulée « Aslan », qui signifie «lion» en turc, a mis près d’un an pour être construite et pèse plus de 250kg. De nombreuses images sont à découvrir dans la suite.

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Majestic Lion Made of 4000 Metal Scraps7
Majestic Lion Made of 4000 Metal Scraps6
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Majestic Lion Made of 4000 Metal Scraps4
Majestic Lion Made of 4000 Metal Scraps3
Majestic Lion Made of 4000 Metal Scraps2
Majestic Lion Made of 4000 Metal Scraps1
Majestic Lion Made of 4000 Metal Scraps10
Majestic Lion Made of 4000 Metal Scraps9

Reusing The Food Energy

Food Scraps Reuse is a kitchen appliance that is a household biogas energy generator. It takes in the family kitchen waste and converts it to electrical energy and a liquid fertilizer through the process of fermentation. While the electric energy can be used to power small kitchen appliances, the fertilizer can be used for houseplants. Superb!

Food Scraps Reuse is a 2013 iF Design award – concept design entry.

Designers: Shih-Che Hsu, Chi-Ming Tien, Fang-wen Guo, Shih-Chun Wang & Yu-Tien Jheng

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(Reusing The Food Energy was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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