Competition: five pairs of United Nude’s Möbius shoe to be won

Competition: to celebrate United Nude’s tenth anniversary, Dezeen has teamed up with the footwear brand to give readers a chance to win one of five pairs of the company’s signature Möbius shoe.

Competition: five pairs of Möbius shoes by United Nude to be won

Architect Rem D Koolhaas designed the Möbius shoe in 1999 while he was still at university. The form of the shoe is made from a single strip, which twists around the foot like a Möbius band to create the sole, heel, foot-bed and upper.

Competition: five pairs of Möbius shoes by United Nude to be won

As he explained to Dezeen in a recent interview, he was persuaded to start his own brand to produce the shoe because it “didn’t look like anything [else] out there”.

Read our full interview with Rem D Koolhaas here »

Competition: five pairs of Möbius shoes by United Nude to be won

Koolhaas launched United Nude in 2003 and the company now sells over 200,000 pairs of shoes a year.

Competition: five pairs of Möbius shoes by United Nude to be won

In 2013, ten new colours and two new heel heights for the Möbius shoe were released to mark United Nude’s tenth anniversary.

Competition: five pairs of Möbius shoes by United Nude to be won

We have five pairs of Möbius shoes to give away and winners will be able to choose their preferred colour, height and size.

Competition: five pairs of Möbius shoes by United Nude to be won

To enter this competition email your name, age, gender, occupation, and delivery address and telephone number to with “Möbius shoe” in the subject line. We won’t pass your information on to anyone else; we just want to know a little about our readers.Read our privacy policy here.

You need to subscribe to our newsletter to have a chance of winning. Sign up here.

Competition: five pairs of Möbius shoes by United Nude to be won

Competition closes 20 August 2013. Five winners will be selected at random and notified by email. Winners’ names will be published in a future edition of our Dezeen Mail newsletter and at the top of this page.

Competition: five pairs of Möbius shoes by United Nude to be won

Dezeen competitions are international and entries are accepted from readers in any country.

Competition: five pairs of Möbius shoes by United Nude to be won

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Möbius shoe to be won
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