O2 Refresh

L’agence VCCP a demandé au studio Korb de diriger cette magnifique publicité pour le client O2. Enchainant de façon dynamique des formes et des matières modélisées, cette publicité sobrement baptisée « Refresh » et visuellement très réussie est à découvrir en images et en vidéo HD dans la suite de l’article.

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Ah, Refreshed!

With an aim to provide a fuller sensory experience, The Refresh was designed to act as a portable device that instantly cools your beverage. Essentially this means no more warm diet coke! Keeping up with the theatrics of good design, the appliance helps form a light condensation, followed by an enticing mist that envelopes the beverage bottle. Using advanced thermoelectric technology, the electric current causes the internal semiconductor nodes to instantly freeze.

As the designer explains, after the beverage is cooled Refresh converts the excess energy back into its rechargeable battery.

Materials: Clear coat stainless steel over an icy blue frosted glass which creates a smooth, cold and refreshing feel.

Designer: James Skeggs

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(Ah, Refreshed! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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