14 Calendars for 2014: Make each day a little more special with these unique calendars, featuring bodega cats and expiration dates

14 Calendars for 2014

According to the Chinese zodiac, the year of the wood horse promises opportunities and victories, adventures and even surprising romances—if you’re willing to take chances like the free-spirited, spontaneous animal. Although the Standard Hotel’s 2014 calendar has set the bar high in terms of creativity and good laughs, we’ve…

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Salaryman Project: Documenting the Japanese everyman in an illustrated planner

Salaryman Project

Part weekly planner, part conceptual documentary, “Salaryman Project” from Bruno Quinquet merges the practical with the artistic. Quinquet’s architectural eye for composition pairs with his subjects, a hard-working mass of faceless, suited men that pepper the streets and subways of Tokyo. A Frenchman who has spent seven years in…

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