Conventional Wisdom: 37th Vent Haven Ventriloquist Convention: The third installment of Arthur Drooker’s photo series on convention attendees

Conventional Wisdom: 37th Vent Haven Ventriloquist Convention

Photographer Arthur Drooker has already taken us on eccentric adventures within the World Taxidermy & Fish Carving Championships and the annual assembling of the Association of Lincoln Presenters. Drooker’s been swinging by a hand-picked…

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Conventional Wisdom by Arthur Drooker: An exclusive sneak peek at a new photo series about convention attendees

Conventional Wisdom by Arthur Drooker

We’ve been following photographer Arthur Drooker’s work since his 2010 American Ruins gallery show and book. The Mill Valley, California-based artist’s infrared imagery mystifies with its modern approach to capturing mythic, decayed structures. We caught…

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“Market Hotel” by Adam Krause: A photographer’s final look at the rock culture and loft-style living at Brooklyn’s alternative-arts venue

Photographer Adam Krause has lived in Brooklyn since 2007 and is well-versed in the young artist lifestyle that the borough so often invites. Growing up in the punk rock scene…

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Touching Strangers: Photographs by Richard Renaldi: NYC publisher Aperature seeks crowd-funding support to bring the photo series to print

Touching Strangers: Photographs by Richard Renaldi

Photographer Richard Renaldi has been working on his latest project since 2007. In creating the “Touching Strangers” series, Renaldi invites total strangers on the street to pose together—touching—and captures a fleeting moment of intimacy, turning the…

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Space, Interiors and Exteriors, 1972: A collection of rare photographs and murals by Ayé Aton and Sun Ra, finally unveiled

Space, Interiors and Exteriors, 1972

At first glance, this art book looks out-of-date with its 1970s desaturated colors, as if salvaged from a garage sale. Co-published this year by PictureBox and art gallery Corbett…

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Shot by Kern: Seven years of intimate portraits by photographer Richard Kern

Shot by Kern

The thin line between fine art and explicit material has been tiptoed by adventurous artists for generations, but few contemporary photographers expose the alluring and complex nature of the naked female form quite as well as NYC-based ); return…

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