Music School Louviers extension by Opus 5

French architects Opus 5 have built a concert hall on top of a former seventeenth century convent in northern France.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

The glass-fronted extension wraps over the southern wing of the complex, creating a orchestral hall with an undulating mirrored ceiling on the uppermost floor and a music library on the first floor below.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

A new entrance foyer is located behind the ground floor cloisters, which have been infilled with glazing to provide visitors with a view out over the river running alongside.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

The remaining facades of the extension are windowless and are clad with concrete panels.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

The convent of the Penitents in Louviers, Normandy, has served a variety of uses over the years and has housed a church, a prison and a tribunal court, but was converted into a music school in 1990.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

See our story about a house with stone screens by Opus 5 here.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

We’ve published several architecture projects recently that wrap over existing buildings, including a white concrete extension over the top of a former brewery.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

See all our stories about parasitic architecture »

Here’s a project description from Opus 5:

Rehabilitation and Extension of the Music School Louviers


The antique convent of the Penitents, in the city center of Louviers – Normandy, is a very exceptional example of “cloister on water”, made of a complex assembly of successive constructions.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

The monastery was built between 1646 and 1659 for the Franciscan brethren. There used to be a church in the west and two conventual wings surrounding the central building.

The cloister was sold in 1789 as a national fortune: the conventual parts were transformed into prisons and the church into a tribunal.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

In 1827, the church was demolished and the tribunal was transferred in a new part of the edifice. The prison closed in 1934 while the old south wing started falling down. The building, partially amputated, was reused as a music school in 1990.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

The remains of the cloister above the river ‘L’Epervier’ are forming an ‘Impressionist’ picture combining stone, vegetation and water in a beautiful harmony. This landscape value has been highlighted and interpreted in the rehabilitation project.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5


The brief was to offer Louviers a new musical school, modern, functional, attractive and representing the town’s cultural policy. The plan was also to highlight the archaeological heritage and its exceptional site in the heart of the city.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

click above for larger image

Finally, the project aimed to display a new image of the place and to shed its prison characteristics. The project of the New Musical School of Louviers in the convent of the Penitents – 24 classrooms, a score library and two big orchestra rooms- was raising a certain problematic in term of rehabilitation because of a heavy program implicating substantial interventions: the contemporary extensions have become more important than the existing building.

These were conceived in a very tight plot which led the architects to fill all free spaces, removing the “breathings” and raising these extensions on top of existing walls.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

click above for larger image

The result is a compact project where the new parts dominate the ancient elements; however, the historical construction is still governing. This is an ‘intimate’ program within each task requires isolation and concentration and will adapt to the compact and intimate character of the project.

South Extension

The second extension, replacing the missing parts of the south wing, exposes its front to the water, towards the cloister and the city. Its incredible position represents the key of the project. It hosts the major element of the program: the big orchestra hall. It represents the emblem of the musical school and composes the landscape with natural elements.

click above for larger image

This façade fits in a simple rectangular glass box with chrome stripes reflecting the surrounding environment and fading in the sky. It appears as an echo to music and as a poetic image of the sound. It has two characteristics – sweetness and creativity during the day, warm and glowing at night. This room, by its transparency and its lightness, stands out of its strict and severe environment. It is a showcase exhibiting the building’s creative life.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

Glazed Façade

The North façade is made of laminated glazed panels within the inside layer has been coated with mirror finish (titanium, siliconitride, chrome et siliconitride) A ‘non-crossing’ attachment system holds the glass and leaves the fixing points invisible from outside.

The whole set is maintained on mirror polished stainless steel wales of 10 mm sickness and 25 cm depth. The wales are suspended to a mechanically welded steel beam of 450×900 mm used as a duct blower for the orchestra room.

Music School Louviers by Opus 5

Concrete panels

The frontier façades are made of prefabricated concrete panels of 8 cm thickness/ 180 cm width and of variable heights.

They are cut out to follow the surface of the ancient masonry. These panels are reinforced and attached on the extensions’ metal structure.

The post Music School Louviers extension
by Opus 5
appeared first on Dezeen.

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5

Paris studio Opus 5 Architects have completed this island house in Brittany, France, featuring a glazed façade with sections covered by stone screens.

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5

Called Belle Iloise House, the long building is divided in two by a glazed walkway.

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5

The walkway houses a glazed footbridge, which connects the bedrooms to the rest of the house.

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5

More residential architecture on Dezeen »

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5

The following information is from the architects:



This house has been designed by Opus 5 Architects, Bruno Decaris and Agnes Pontremoli. It is located on Belle-ile-en-Mer, the biggest island of Britany which is famous for its protected and wild lands. Some strict architectural rules have imposed the construction of a unique model of ‘neo-Britannic’ style: the same little houses are spread all over the island, with no proper architectural quality.

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5


The architects have proposed a contemporary and personal vision of the traditional model imposed by the severe regulations of the site. They took the challenge to transform the existing stereotype into a new up-to-date construction, by respecting the restricted architectural rules:

  • Slate roof with two slides at 45 degrees, gables and limited openings (max width 1,60 m)
  • Despite the fact that the house aimed to be harmoniously integrated in the landscape, the reasonable stylistic daring has created fierce debate.

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5


Spared volume: low and long proportions, limited height, with limited roof space. The roofing is built without salient element and only contains some panes of glass in the front.

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5


The façades are split into two: an inner skin which is entirely glazed and partially hidden by schist panels, to release the ‘regulatory’ openings. Those stone ‘paravents’ create some magical lighting effects and reflexions inside the house.

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5

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When the daylight fades, the glass panels light up and disappear to create a warm atmosphere: the house seems to float.

Belle Iloise House by Opus 5


The two portions of the main part of the house- living room and bedrooms, are connected by a transparent window screen and an entirely glass footbridge, enabling a clear sea view from both the inside and the outside.

See also:


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