Stuck Chair by Oato

Stuck Chair by Oato

The backrest of this chair by Dutch designers Oato seems to be simply wedged between its criss-crossing legs.

Stuck Chair is made from oak with a backrest of blue powder-coated steel. The seat is lodged firmly in place by the chair legs that pass diagonally through it.

Stuck Chair by Oato

In fact, the legs are secured by screws where they intersect with each other and the steel backrest, with the holes then filled to reduce their visibility.

Stuck Chair by Oato

When discussing the concept behind the design, chief designer Stefan Tervoort told Dezeen: “We are interested in a more poetic side in design, so a more conceptual, shape driven approach, but still we are interested in reproducibility.”

Stuck Chair by Oato

Oato received an honourable mention for Stuck Chair at the Thonet-initiated ARC12 Chair Design competition in Utrecht this August.

Stuck Chair by Oato

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by Oato
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