Natural Speakers by Joon&Jung

Natural Speakers by Joon&Jung

Korean designers Joon&Jung have hand-crafted this set of speakers by strapping punctuated ceramic cubes onto a stack of twigs.

Natural Speakers by Joon&Jung

The combination of materials gives a slight echo to create a more natural sound.

Natural Speakers by Joon&Jung

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Natural Speakers by Joon&Jung

The following is from the designer:

The Natural Speaker, by Studio Joon&Jung, 2011

New trans-material works with deep understanding with effect

Natural Speakers by Joon&Jung

Natural resonance porcelain speaker

The idea for the ‘the natural speaker’ derived from the desire to create an absolutely unique, handcrafted speaker for the interior space. Whereas a lot of speakers are constructed to produce a rather fat bass and sharp high tones, we felt the sound was kind of stuck inside the speakers, missing a natural vibe and ambiance.

Natural Speakers by Joon&Jung

During the development of the ‘the natural speaker’ we discovered the great properties of porcelain as a speaker casing, providing a clear resonance and mellow sound.

Natural Speakers by Joon&Jung

Amplified inside the ceramic and wood transmission construction, the sound gains a slight echo, creating a natural feeling of resonance, resembling the distinct flair of an acoustic instrument right in front of you.

Natural Speakers by Joon&Jung

Each set of pieces is individually crafted by hand and each procelain casing checked for best amplifying performance. If you value a balanced midtone sound and a speaker with a ‘feeling’ for your music, you will surely enjoy the ‘the natural speaker’.

See also:


Ceramic Speaker
by Nendo
by AIAIAI and Kilo Design
by Tristan Zimmermann