Quote of Note | James Turrell

James Turrell’s “Aten Reign” (2013), the major new site-specific installation at the core of the artist’s current exhibition at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. (Photos: David Heald)

“I have always been interested in the limits of the inside/outside dyad and in breaking through them. When I look at a space, I want to find a way to connect to the space outside, space beyond, either visually or by taking the roof off or by creating that sense of expansion that can be achieved with music, so that we are reminded that we exist in a much bigger space than the small enclosures we make for protection and occupy temporarily.

We’re like crustaceans. We make shells that enclose us. I have always wanted to find ways to meaningfully open these shells. I use enclosures to make our light more significant or to make small amounts of it more powerful. I make spaces that protect and contain light to apprehend it for our perception.”

-Artist James Turrell discussing “Aten Reign” (2013) in Artforum

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James Turrell – Guggenheim New York

James Turrell a créé pour le musée Guggenheim de New York une installation spécifique appelée sobrement « Aten Reign ». C’est la première installation du célèbre artiste américain à New York depuis 1980. De merveilleux espaces colorés sont donc à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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