Ibiza Lights III

Dans la lignée de ses précédentes réalisations et projets Ibiza Lights, voici un nouveau film tournée à Ibiza et sobrement intitulée « Ibiza Lights III » . Une réalisation de Jose Antonio Hervas Mora qui propose des images incroyables en technique time-lapse. Des lieux magiques à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.

Ibiza Lights III6
Ibiza Lights III
Ibiza Lights III4
Ibiza Lights III5
Ibiza Lights III3

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

This social housing complex in Ibiza by Spanish office Castell-Pons Arquitectes features two jagged apartment blocks arranged around a central courtyard (+ slideshow).

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

The pair of three-storey buildings accommodates 14 apartments, each with either two or three bedrooms, and every residence has its entrance within the oval-shaped courtyard rather around the perimeter of the complex.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

“In Mediterranean culture the transition between public and private spaces has always been understood as something sequential,” says Castell-Pons Arquitectes. “The intermediate spaces, like the interior courts or the covered streets, the porches or the pergolas, have a very important role as spaces where people interact.”

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

Six apartments are located on the ground floor and a staircase leads up from the centre of the courtyard to eight more on the two upper floors.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

The rooms of the apartments fan out around the site, giving jagged edges to the outer walls.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

This arrangement creates more windows, allowing residents more control over light and natural ventilation.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

“We tried to give a response to the complex surroundings by raising a building with its own geometry,” add the architects.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

Painted red panels are lettered A to N to identify each residence, while gridded steel balustrades surround the balcony corridors.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

See more housing developments on Dezeen, including an apartment block on the Canary Islands and a renovated tower block in Paris.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

Photography is by José Hevia.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

Here’s some more information from Castell-Pons Arquitectes:

14 Official Protection Housing, Can Cantó, Ibiza

The project combines the preexistences and the urban development conditions, to interact with the users’ way of life.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

City: Interaction architecture – surroundings

On the one hand, we tried to give a response to the complex surroundings by raising a building with its own geometry. A volume with different heights that takes the most advantage of solar orientation and ventilation where the game between emptinesses, hollows and interior court gets the maximum use of the space.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes

The only central core leads to all the housing. The use of exterior covered gangplanks facilitates the crossed ventilation and the facades’ liberation, and also leads to the use of an exterior dynamic skin where the principal areas are located. Thanks to its spiral form the differents housings are allowed to have free exterior spaces such as terraces and gardens.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes
Site plan – click for larger image

Way of life: Interaction architecture – user

In Mediterranean culture the transition between public and private spaces has always been understood as something sequential, where the intermediate spaces, like the interior courts or the covered streets, the porches or the pergolas, have a very important role as spaces where people interact.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes
Ground floor plan – click for larger image

With this intention, the building access is promoted from both streets generating a traffic between them and giving to the interior court the aptitude to stir the social life into action between the neighbours.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes
First and second floor plans – click for larger image

Economy and sustainability taking the most advantage of the passive systems, but also promoting the social values and comfort typical of our architecture.

14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza by Castell-Pons Arquitectes
Cross section – click for larger image

The post 14 Official Proteccion Housing in Ibiza
by Castell-Pons Arquitectes
appeared first on Dezeen.

Biblioteca Sant Josep by Ramon Esteve Estudio

Four courtyards penetrate the rectilinear volume of this concrete library in Ibiza by Spanish architects Ramon Esteve Estudio (+ slideshow).

Biblioteca Sant Josep by Ramon Esteve Estudio

Completed in 2010, Biblioteca Sant Josep is a single-storey public library in the village of Sant Josep de sa Talaia.

Biblioteca Sant Josep by Ramon Esteve Estudio

Ramon Esteve Estudio slotted courtyards into recesses on three of the building’s four elevations. One accommodates the entrance approach, while the other three are filled with plants and trees.

Every window faces towards a courtyard, rather than out the building’s perimeter. “This library is a small closed universe in which light and green penetrates under controlled conditions,” say the architects.

Biblioteca Sant Josep by Ramon Esteve Estudio

The outlines of the courtyards continue through the inside of the building, generating the curved shapes of four reading rooms with a communal lobby at the centre.

One of the curved spaces contains a children’s library, while another houses the multimedia room. The third has an area for magazines and newspapers in its corner and the fourth includes the lending desks.

Biblioteca Sant Josep by Ramon Esteve Estudio

The board-formed concrete walls remain exposed both inside and outside the building. Books are slotted into plain white bookshelves, while circular lighting fixtures are dotted across the ceilings.

The spaces behind the courtyards are filled with offices and storage areas.

Biblioteca Sant Josep by Ramon Esteve Estudio

Other libraries featured on Dezeen include a converted house in Mexico and a university library with robotic book retrieval system in the US. See more libraries on Dezeen.

Biblioteca Sant Josep by Ramon Esteve Estudio

Photography is by Diego Opazo.

Here’s some more information from Ramon Esteve Estudio:

Sant Josep Library

The library is a detached building within green surroundings splashed with trees that penetrate into the openings of the building. It is a prism box where the interior fragments with planes that flow between the spaces of the layout of the library. Between two fissures, the building opens to the exterior and allows the interior spaces to reach out to the vegetation that surrounds all of the building.

The building is composed of two different rooms, part of the functional design: the multi-purpose space, the children’s one, the general background, and the space for magazines, newspapers, music and images.
The soul of the library is the books that accompany the walls that form the structure that organizes the different areas.

Biblioteca Sant Josep by Ramon Esteve Estudio

The surroundings give unity and include all of the space of the different areas, marking the limits but maintaining the continuity and fluency of the spaces.

The building opens to the exterior through polygonal courtyards that generate intersecting views between rooms and fleeting views of the environment. A large amount of skylights of different diameters filter a similar, neutral, clean light, generating a warm atmosphere that encourages reading and reflection.

Biblioteca Sant Josep by Ramon Esteve Estudio
Ground floor plan – click for larger image

Architect: Ramon Esteve
Collaborator Architects: Esther Broseta, Rubén Navarro, Olga Badía
Collaborators: Silvia M. Martínez, Tudi Soriano, Patricia Campos, Estefanía Pérez
Building Engineer: Emilio Pérez
Promoter: Ajuntament d’Ontinyent
Construction company: Díaz-Sala
Works manager: Manuel Pamies
Project: 2008
Completion date: 2010

The post Biblioteca Sant Josep by
Ramon Esteve Estudio
appeared first on Dezeen.

Holographic Light Sculptures

Coup de cœur pour Roseline de Thélin, une artiste basée à Ibiza qui imagine des œuvres sculpturales très étonnantes sous forme de technique hologramme. Des créations très réussies avec sa dernière série appelée « Seated Child » présentée à la Kinetica Art Fair de Londres. A découvrir dans la suite de l’article en images.

Visitors Enjoy Exhibits At The Kinetica Art Fair
Holographic Light Sculptures3
Holographic Light Sculptures4
Holographic Light Sculptures2
Holographic Light Sculptures

Ibiza Lights

Jose A. Hervas nous propose une nouvelle vidéo en time-lapse prise à Ibiza. Nous faisant découvrir des paysages splendides sur une musique de Cinematic Orchestra grâce à son Canon 5D Mark II, le résultat en vidéo se dévoile dans la suite de l’article.




Previously on Fubiz

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Seat : Projection Mapping

Une production de Vectorsoul pour le client Seat, sous la forme de ce court spot et de “projection mapping”. Un travail réalisé par Nerdo, le collectif de design basé à Turin (Italie) composé d’Alessandro Durando et Lorenzo Levrero. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.



Previously on Fubiz

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