HOK masterplan leads Dubai to Expo 2020 victory

News: Dubai has won the bid to host the World Expo 2020 with a masterplan by architects HOK, beating Zaha Hadid’s rival proposal for a lagoon-side park in the Turkish city of Izmir (+ slideshow).

HOK masterplan leads Dubai to Expo 2020 victory

Dubai also saw off competition from Brazilian city São Paulo and Yekaterinburg in Russia, and will become the first Middle Eastern city to host the international exhibition in its 150-year history.

HOK masterplan leads Dubai to Expo 2020 victory

“This win is a testament to the commitment of the UAE citizens to create a prosperous future for their country and region,” said HOK Dubai’s Daniel Hajjar. “We are proud to have led the design of the Expo site and to be associated with producing a winning entry for Dubai so that this great country can continue to boost its reputation on a global stage.”

HOK masterplan leads Dubai to Expo 2020 victory

With the theme “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”, HOK’s winning masterplan encompasses a 438-hectare site in south-west Dubai, close to the new Al Maktoum International Airport and Jebel Ali Port.

HOK masterplan leads Dubai to Expo 2020 victory

The design features three major pavilions connected by an “iconic photovoltaic fabric structure” that will provide a gigantic canopy of solar panels across the main connecting walkways.

“Dubai’s win elevates its status as a global city with world-class infrastructure and highlights its commitment to sustainable energy,” said HOK president Bill Hellmuth.

HOK masterplan leads Dubai to Expo 2020 victory

The exhibition will be organised into three zones that will branch out from a central plaza modelled on the traditional Arabic marketplace, known as a souk. Larger pavilions will be positioned at the outer perimeter and smaller exhibition stands will be located nearer the centre to encourage visitors to explore the entire site.

HOK masterplan leads Dubai to Expo 2020 victory

Architecture firm Populous acted as venue planning and participant design consultants, while engineering firm Arup advised on the infrastructure and transportation systems included.

HOK masterplan leads Dubai to Expo 2020 victory

The next upcoming edition of the world fair will take place in Milan in 2015, followed by the Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill-designed expo in Astana, Kazakhstan, in 2017. The most recent Expos held were the Yeosu Expo 2012 in South Korea and the Shanghai Expo 2010, which featured Thomas Heatherwick’s Seed Cathedral.

The post HOK masterplan leads Dubai
to Expo 2020 victory
appeared first on Dezeen.

Salvador Dali Museum

Le Musée Dali vient de réouvrir en Floride, avec un nouveau bâtiment en verre. Il concentre près de 20 000 mètres carrés d’oeuvres d’art et l’ensemble de la collection de l’artiste espagnol Salvador Dali. Un travail d’architecture moderne et surréaliste par le cabinet HOK Architects.








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