Sourcing Vintage Textiles with Hickoree’s : We join the Brooklyn retailer at Sri, their supplier for ancient Japanese threads

Sourcing Vintage Textiles with Hickoree's

Japanese textiles, and denim in particular, have been a long-standing obsession of mine—long-standing, but somewhat uneducated. With the goal of schooling myself on these beautiful and ancient materials, I recently joined Emil Corsillo and Mitch Frank of ); return…

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Water Repellent Furoshiki: Traditional Japanese wrapping squares find a new purpose as the flexible alternative to the plastic bag

Water Repellent Furoshiki

They’ve been around for thousands of years, but Furoshiki are making a fresh, practical comeback thanks in part to Japan Store. Once cherished as the precious carrier of royal and holy robes, the Japanese cloth squares were also used as bathmats centuries ago but today, they can be used…

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