PinCity Maps

Ale Maffioletti mi ha girato oggi la sua ultima creazione disegnata insieme a Emanuele Pizzolorusso: PinCity. Sono delle mappe in feltro di Amsterdam, Berlino, Londra, New York e Parigi prodotte dall’azienda italiana Palomar. Tutte le mappe sono corredate da pins con le quali fissare appunti, note personali, disegni, foto e i ricordi di viaggio. Stupende.


Alpha Beta Gamma by Emanuele Pizzolorusso

Alpha Beta Gamma by Emanuele Pizzolorusso

These polished marble blocks by Milanese designer Emanuele Pizzolorusso can be arranged on your desk to make miniature monuments.

Alpha Beta Gamma by Emanuele Pizzolorusso

The set is made up of three variants of a 100x100x100mm Carrara marble block.

Alpha Beta Gamma by Emanuele Pizzolorusso

Some blocks have grooves or holes punched into them like doors or windows and others have an edge that is completely rounded.

Alpha Beta Gamma by Emanuele Pizzolorusso

We’ve already published some projects by Emanuele Pizzolorusso including a story about crumpled city maps included in the Dezeen Book of Ideas and a waste paper basket made of recycled paper.

Alpha Beta Gamma by Emanuele Pizzolorusso

Here’s a little more information from the designer:

α, β, γ.  (Alpha, Beta, Gamma.)

Carrara-marble blocks

Alpha Beta Gamma is a set of 3 blocks; simply cut, substantial in mass and satisfying to touch.

Alpha Beta Gamma by Emanuele Pizzolorusso

Arrange them in infinite ways to create forms that are at once unique and universal.

Alpha Beta Gamma by Emanuele Pizzolorusso

Your own sanctuary may be built from these harmonious blocks, designed to give rise to the largest possible number of combinations…

A limited edition set can be purchased through pre-order.

Alpha Beta Gamma by Emanuele Pizzolorusso

You can also download technical drawings to make your own under the Creative Commons Licence BY-NC-ND. It means you are free to reproduce it, but not for commercial purposes.


Crumpled City by Emanuele Pizzolorusso for Palomar

Crumpled City by Palomar

Milan designer Emanuele Pizzolorusso has created a series of maps for Italian brand Palomar that are designed to survive being screwed up and stuffed into a pocket or bag.

Crumpled City by Palomar

Called Crumpled City, the products are made of a soft waterproof material to avoid dammage when put away without folding carefully along the original creases.

Crumpled City by Palomar

The range includes London, New York, Paris, Rome and Berlin.

Crumpled City by Palomar

Here’s a bit more information about the product:

Palomar presents Crumpled City soft city maps for urban jungles

For centuries, MAPS have been irreplaceable learning tools. They have to do with travelling, discovery, adventure. The Crumpled City Map reinterprets an object which, historically, has been synonymous with exacting precision and manual skills. Actually, maps must be opened, folded to find what we are interested in and then folded away, preferably along the original folds of the paper.

But, how often are such operations difficult and frustrating? Especially when we are lost and have to pull out of our pockets or our bag a map that often, through use and the difficulty of folding it, has turned into a mass of wet, swollen paper, which forces us to engage in impossible exercises in the art of “origami” to consult it and finally get our bearings!

Crumpled City by Palomar

These are the reflections around which the Crumpled City Maps have been designed: maps that are soft, extremely light but very strong, perfectly waterproof, designed to be quickly put away in their bag, without having to be folded but just scrunched up, rolled up into a ball. Crumpled City, indeed.

Crumpled City by Palomar

At the core of the design is this ‘playing’ with gestures: this allowing people to do something that is usually “forbidden”, that is to simply scrunch up a document. It is a liberating, fun act, especially if you do it with something that you are not going to throw away, but which is actually made to be kept and reused.

The Crumpled City range includes the most interesting cities in the world. Along with the usual ‘SightSeeings’, each map also provides a unique, unusual list of ‘SoulSights’, places of the soul, places selected to thrill you. Weighing only 20 grams, it is super resistant and 100% waterproof.

See also:


Here! Sod T-Shirt Packaging
by Prompt Design
The Regional Blanket by
Vík Prjónsdóttir
Fabriano by
Emanuele Pizzolorusso

Crumpled City

Ogni volta che si viaggia, la cartina della città si riduce un cencio, se fosse per me, ogni giorno me ne dovrebbero dare una nuova e profumata! Le mappe di Crumpled City risolvono tutto, sono morbide ma resistenti, impermeabili e appositamente fatte per essere schiacciate e sgualcite. Ideata da Emanuele Pizzolorusso con illustrazioni di Alvvino.

Crumpled City

Crumpled City

Crumpled City