Nola colour-mixing lamps by Studio Drift at Eat Drink Design

Dutch Design Week 2013: Amsterdam designers Studio Drift have created a series of colour-mixing LED lamps with hand-blown glass domes.

Nola by Studio Drift

The Nola series by Ralph Nauta and Lonneke Gordijn of Studio Drift comprises tinted glass bell-jars fitted into circular cork bases, with a ring of LEDs in a contrasting colour under the rim of each glass piece.

Nola by Studio Drift

The colours mix as the brightly coloured light passes through the pastel glass and further combinations can be created by clustering several pieces together to layer up the different hues.

Nola by Studio Drift

“Nola started as an experiment, playing with the endless possibilities combining colour and light in a spacial context,” Gordijn told Dezeen. “It became a landscape of light captured in glass bells.”

Nola by Studio Drift

“By mixing and interconnecting multiple bells and placing them in overlapping compositions a complex spectacle of light emerges,” she added.

Nola by Studio Drift

The lamps will go into production with new Dutch design label Buhtiq 31 in four different colours and four sizes, and each one comes with a dimmer switch.

Nola by Studio Drift

The prototypes are on show for the first time as part of Eat Drink Design during Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, which continues until Sunday.

Nola by Studio Drift

Eat Drink Design is a combined dining experience and design showcase, this time housed in a former theatre building called Kazerne. Studio Drift have been regular contributors to the show over the years, with past presentations including an LED and glass chandelier resembling a swarm of insects or shoal of fish.

Nola by Studio Drift

Nauta and Gordij are best known for their lighting installations with LEDs covered in dandelion seeds and founded their studio after graduating from Design Academy Eindhoven in 2005.

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at Eat Drink Design
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The Incubator Series by Anke Weiss

The Incubator Series by Anke Weiss

Porcelain containers based on insect eggs by Dutch designer Anke Weiss are on show as part of Eat Drink Design at Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven this week. 

The Incubator Series by Anke Weiss

Called The Incubator Series, the pieces were developed from microscopic photographs of eggs.

The Incubator Series by Anke Weiss

Eat Drink Design is a temporary restaurant furnished with designers’ work. See our story about last year’s Eat Drink Design here.

The Incubator Series by Anke Weiss

Dutch Design Week continues until 31 October.

The Incubator Series by Anke Weiss

See all our stories about Anke Weiss »

The Incubator Series by Anke Weiss

The information below is from Weiss:

Eat Drink Design is presenting the series ‘Incubators’ by Anke Weiss at the Dutch Design Week Eindhoven.

The Incubator Series are a collection of porcelain vessels based on the aesthetics of insect eggs.

Strangely familiar yet very alien these shapes evoke a feeling of unsettling attraction.

In this work science meets imagination. While originally based on microscopic photography, the objects remain products of the mind.

Combining its scientific meaning of developing a life form for a particular purpose or quality, the term ‘incubation’ refers to the development of an idea or a dream as well.

The objects show an offensive expansion resembling prehistoric depictions of fertility gods and the very general impression of potent breeding power.

The elementary and primitive shapes of the Incubator Series create a tension that touches rudimentary emotions while describing the essential process of creation.

See also:


Table with a View
by Anke Weiss
Bonsai Tree Table
by Anke Weiss
Packaging Lights
by Anke Weiss