Sea Breeze At Home

Ever miss the ocean and the fresh sea breeze? Well, with the Electrolux SEAbreeze you can bring home the ocean! This device is an indoor air quality control system that works with seawater and exudes balmy sea breeze within the room. It even works as a dehumidifier and a humidifier, which evaporates seawater with positive health impacts. It even transforms the sea water to drinking water! How awesome!

SEAbreeze is a 2013 Electrolux Design Lab semifinalist.

Designer: Fanni Csernátony

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Sea Breeze At Home was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Surveillance Cameras Birthday

Le duo néerlandais Front 404 rend hommage à Georges Orwell en célébrant son anniversaire en décorant les caméras de surveillance du centre d’Utrecht. Une occasion de pointer du doigt le contrôle constant et socialement accepté et d’amener les gens à réfléchir sur ce qui était déjà dénoncé par l’auteur dans 1984.












solidThinking Evolve® 9.5 – A New Level of Modeling Control

My initiation into the design community began more as a content writer than as a design enthusiast. Typical design jargons like renders, 3D modeling and cropping were alien words for me. I guess I never fully understood how these words could become the differentiating factor between a good design and great design. In due course, I learnt my lesson and my respect for designers grew and I also learnt that solidThinking was not just constructive thinking but also a vital tool for designers.

In 2000, solidThinking became the first company to offer industrial designers NURBS-based 3D modeling software for both the OS X and Windows operating systems. User experience has certified that the community just loves them. No wonder they have such humungous support that is driven by the value of the software’s organic surfacing, construction history, and integrated rendering in a single package.

The latest release of the software, solidThinking Evolve 9.5, let’s users work in the most natural and unrestricted fashion yet, enabling faster creation of complex products. Apparently solidThinking Evolve features tools to simplify geometry creation and makes editing more intuitive. Even the unique ConstructionTree history feature is now stronger and more elegantly presented.

solidThinking Evolve offers ongoing support to users on OS X, and the company has also added a new 64-bit Windows version that maximizes efficiency in managing large files.

As an industrial designer, if you wish to develop forms faster, using either a Windows PC or Mac, then Evolve is the one for you. It captures an initial sketch, then allows exploration of styling alternatives and the visualization of products with high quality renderings generated in real time.

It combines the modeling freedom of organic surfaces and the control of parametric solids with a unique ConstructionTree history feature.

Essentially, if you are looking for freedom from the constraints of engineering-oriented CAD tools, while allowing the export of digital models required by others in the product development process, then think of Evolve as the tool for you.

solidThinking recently announced the release of solidThinking Inspire® 9.5 and if you want to know more about this software and details about upcoming events, connect with solidThinking through Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE – We are more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(solidThinking Evolve® 9.5 – A New Level of Modeling Control was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Hervé – Lose Control

Le duo de réalisateurs Thirtytwho ont dirigé ce très beau clip sur le titre et single « Lose Control » pour l’artiste et producteur Hervé. Produite par Pulse Films, cette création d’une grande intensité et teintée de mélancolie est à découvrir en images et en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.

Herve - Lose Control5
Herve - Lose Control3
Herve - Lose Control2
Herve - Lose Control
Herve - Lose Control6

So We Survived 2012

And you know what that means right? The Mayans were wrong; the world did not end, but that doesn’t mean the end of natural disasters like floods and tsunami. Which is why it’s better to be prepared than sorry. Look forward to a bright future with preparedness gear like the Defender, which is a ‘sandbag’ for flood control. It contains absorbent recycled paper fiber that becomes heavy when wet. When dry, however, it is lightweight and is easy to handle. Stay safe people!

Defender is a 2012 red dot award: design concept winner.

Designers: Teng Xuan, Zhang Mingxi, Yang Zhaonan & Zhen Zhiliang

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(So We Survived 2012 was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Steaming Up Foul Language

It’s almost impossible to monitor the kind of abusive and foul language kids use in online chatrooms these days. So when the analogy of difference in temperatures steaming up a window was explored, designers Kim Hyerim, Chang Hanearl & Kim Junhoe came up with the Steamy Window application. The system basically auto-detects abusive and foul language used during chats and steams up the user’s display window. With children finding innovative ways to crack the parental-control code on computers, this should work out as a good solution. What do you say?

Steamy Window is a 2012 red dot award: design concept entry.

Designers: Kim Hyerim, Chang Hanearl & Kim Junhoe

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store – We are about more than just concepts. See what’s hot at the YD Store!
(Steaming Up Foul Language was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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MacBook Bits CONTROL Ring

Anello assemblato riciclando il tasto CTRL prelevato da una tastiera di un vecchio MacBook rotto. Lo trovate qui.

MacBook Bits CONTROL Ring