Blueberries 3D-Printed Jewelry : Two Czech designers collaborate on an award-winning collection of innovative accessories

Blueberries 3D-Printed Jewelry

by Adam Štěch The contemporary Czech jewelry scene is exceptional. Over the past few years, an array of intriguing designers and craftsmen have become newly curious about jewelry as an abstract structure and have formed a new movement around this facet of design….

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Cannondale Slice RS: The latest in triathlon-centric bicycles ascribes to the age old “Narrow is Aero” adage

Cannondale Slice RS

In years past cutting seconds off your race time meant donning hilarious helmets and hoping the wind’s at your back. Now, thanks to the latest in carbon molding, integrated gearing and carbon components, Cannondale’s recently released Slice RS claims the necessary tech to strike up to 20 seconds in…

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