Barton Damer: Skateboarding, faith and Dalí influence the Dallas-based digital artist

Barton Damer

Barton Damer is a Dallas-based digital artist whose hyper-detailed and dizzyingly surreal work, with its up-to-the-minute pop culture sensibility, has garnered attention from companies as big as Nike, Facebook and Supra Footwear, and from musicians as diverse as rapper Lil Wayne, Owl City and Wolfmother. “It’s all over the…

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Comet Substance

Musical identity mash-ups in collaged band posters by a Swiss illustrator

Comet Substance

With his wide range of projects and mediums, it is no wonder why the technical sketcher turned screen printer Comet Substance uses collage in his works. Armed with a broad background, Comet Substance, also known as Ronny Hunger clips images out of their original context to create new spaces…

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