Animation shows completion of Antoni Gaudí’s Sagrada Família

News: the completion of Art Nouveau architect Antoni Gaudí’s Sagrada Família basilica in Barcelona is simulated in this movie released to show the final stages of construction anticipated before 2026, 100 years after the death of the architect (+ movie).

The one-minute video published on the Sagrada Familia Foundation’s Youtube channel shows each of the stages left and how the basilica will look when completed.

It combines helicopter footage of the current building with computer-animated renders to show spires, a central cupola and other remaining structures rise from nothing.

2026 completion of Gaudi's Sagrada Familia

The Sagrada Familia Foundation has also published six one-minute movies showing 3D animations of the completion dates for each phase, including the Sagristia in 2015, Torre de Maria in 2018 and Torre de Jesus in 2020.

When the basilica is finished it will have 18 towers dedicated to different religious figures, of various heights to reflect their hierarchy. There are eight towers completed so far.

2026 completion of Gaudi's Sagrada Familia

Work began on Sagrada Familia in 1882 and Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi took over the direction in 1914. The completed basilica is due to open in 2026, 144 years after it began, to coincide with the centennial anniversary of Gaudí’s death in 1926.

Since the mid 1980s, the build has been overseen by Catalan architect Jordi Bonet, whose father previously worked on the project with Gaudí.

2026 completion of Gaudi's Sagrada Familia

In June, Google celebrated Gaudi’s 161 birthday with a google doodle that depicted stylised versions of some of the architects most famous works, including Park Guell and Casa Mila in Barcelona.

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Antoni Gaudí’s Sagrada Família
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Sagrada Familia Perspectives

Clément Celma est un photographe basé à Barcelone. Passionné de photographie et notamment de panoramas, ce dernier nous propose de découvrir une série de clichés prises à l’intérieur de la Basilique de la Sagrada Familia, symbole de la ville catalane pensée par Antoni Gaudí. A découvrir dans la suite.

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