My Couch, My Canvas by Annebet Philips

Dutch designer Annebet Philips cut this sofa and its cushions from a single block of foam and covered it with a blank canvas so that it looks like an unfinished cartoon.

My Couch, My Canvas by Annebet Philips

The thick black lines of the canvas cover mark out the edges of the cushions, which are completely integrated into the foam backrest and armrests.

My Couch, My Canvas by Annebet Philips

The removable cover can be coloured in with fabric paints and dyes as the owner desires.

My Couch, My Canvas by Annebet Philips

“People always put cushions on a couch as if they are not satisfied with the basic shape of the couch and want to add something to it,” explains Philips. “With that in mind I thought, why not make a couch that has this addition already?”

My Couch, My Canvas by Annebet Philips

Previously we’ve featured a red couch that scrunches into different shapes and a sofa that looks like a rolled up mattress.

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Here’s some more information from the designer:

This project is about a couch that has no loose cushions. The cushions are integrated in the shape of the couch. The couch is a wooden/foam construction with the shape of the cushions integrated in the backrest/armrests. When designing the foam shape of the couch, various ways of sitting were taken into account, because it has to be comfortable for many kind of users. The cushions are constructed with firm support at the backside and with soft layering at the outside.

The couch comes with a cover that can be put over the entire sofa, including the cushions. Also in this cover the shape of the couch and cushions are melted together. Because of this one‐piece cover, patterns and prints can be continuous in the entire couch. To emphasise the possibilities of the cover, the cover is made out of cotton canvas and is also treated as if it is a blank canvas. In this first version heavy painted strokes accent the outlines of the couch. The idea is to make several painted versions with various patterns. The cover can easily be taken off and can be washed. The project is still in progress. The couch in the picture is the first prototype.

I am currently working on more examples of the painted canvases. The idea is also to have the canvas in various colours and to extend this project with a fauteuil. Another idea is to offer a total blank canvas that the customer (or their children) can paint themselves. At the moment I am investigating the possibilities of producing the couch.

The post My Couch, My Canvas
by Annebet Philips
appeared first on Dezeen.