CATALYST Strategic Design Review


If you like strategic design thinking with a healthy dose of green, check out the new CATALYST Strategic Design Review, produced by the graduate Design Management Program at Pratt Institute (chaired by the amazing Mary McBride) and edited by Erin Weber. Here’s the pitch:

CATALYST is designed to spark conversation about the role of strategic design in shaping successful business. Its intent is to provide an opportunity for design leaders and innovators to share theory and best practices for a future that’s economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.

The inaugural issue explores New York City “as an incubator for strategic design,” and takes on issues of redesigning urban school systems, green architecture, and the High Line (opened yesterday!). Core77’s Allan Chochinov has a (reprinted) piece in it as well, and don’t miss the “9 Things to Know About Pro Bono.”

Check out the publication here (online only), and explore additional topics on the CATALYST blog.


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