Cassava Chips

Three new chip brands tap yuca root to make a healthier tasty snack

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Easy to grow and cook, the starchy root cassava (aka tapioca or yuca) is something like the potato of several warmer climates. But the veggie has more fiber and potassium than its spud counterpart, making a healthier and increasingly popular alternative in several foods, including in these new chip brands we came across recently at the Fancy Food Show.

One of the firsts to bring cassava chips stateside, the Banks brand makes gluten- and lactose-free flavors like Chili and Kaffir Lime and Roasted Tomato for a chip with 30% less fat than their potato siblings. Check out Banks’ informative video on their site to learn why their product prevails.

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Australia-based Papa Cassava makes a wide variety of MSG- and gluten-free cassava chip flavors, including classics like BBQ and Black Pepper.

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Super delicious Yogi cassava chips kick it up a notch with enticing flavors like Swiss Cheese, Thai Curry Lime, French Onion, Sweet and Sour and more. Created by Hawaiian yoga expert Wai Lana, Yogi cassava chips are a small part of an entire holistic lifestyle dedicated to meditation and nutrition.

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