Camberwell BA Illustration degree show

Camberwell’s illustration show is always one to look forward to – this year they even had a band…

The not-quite-life-size trio were the work of Andy Ainger and Sean Fitzpatrick.


Tom Pearson‘s simple, graphic work included this story of a security guard

and this bird’s eye view of vehicles


A feature of the Camberwell show (titled Save Our Souls) was how well the students used the ample space of the Nicholls & Clarke Building on London’s Shoreditch High Street. Here’s Rochu Chiu‘s installation


And Paddy Jones‘s (check out the holder for his cards, bottom image)


Martha Ellen Smith presented a fantastic series on blues musicians, painted on boards


Moa Ceder‘s black and white series was also a highlight


As were Jamie Peter Hall‘s farmhouse paintings

This is just a small selection from a very, very strong show. Check out more of the work at the website here


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