Calling All Book Designers

stack_o_books.jpgAs the Urban Assembly School of Design and Construction gears up for its architectural version of Iron Chef, Harper Perennial is bringing a bit of American Idol to the world of book design. Tomorrow, June 11, the division of HarperCollins will hold an open call for book designers at a portfolio review that will run from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Type Directors Club in New York City. While you await your Susan Boyle moment (hint: bring your redesigned cover for Les Miserables!), check out the published and rejected cover art that will be on display in the spirit of the event’s title: “Show Us Yours and We’ll Show You Ours.” A trip to Hollywood isn’t up for grabs, but Harper Perennial is looking to hire. Plus, we’ve confirmed that Ryan Seacrest will not be present.


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