Call for Submissions

Confections: Design a candy wrapper!

Now accepting submissions for our November/December exhibition!

Clever designs, pretty packaging, zany wrappers, colourful names and elegant detailing have as much appeal as the tasty treats tucked inside. The Confections show celebrates the fine art of candy packaging. We invite artists to illustrate and design their own wrappers. Come up with an irresistible cover for a novel treat or create a new design for an old favourite. Send us your eye candy!

The best designs will be featured in the winter issue of the magazine. Submit your artwork file via email info–at– (images should be at least 6 to 8 inches wide at 300dpi).

Also accepting candy-related artwork, photography and suggestions.


October 23 (for inclusion in the exhibition, Nov 5 – Dec 31)
November 1, 2009 (for possible inclusion in the magazine)

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