Call for Entries: Tools for Domestic Gardening

pimg alt=”cultivate-call.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”524″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pa href=””Lunedi Sostenibili/a has announced a competition very much after our own hearts: a href=””emMade to Cultivate/em/a is gathering tools (both new, old or proposed) specific to domestic gardening. /p

pAs the image suggests with its myriad cooking tools, eating utensils, plastic containers, and household hardware, the aim of the competition is not to devise ways to make home gardening easier, but to “show the wide range of everyday objects and hidden techniques used in home gardens” to the world. Yes! /p

pHere’s an excerpt from the brief, for context: blockquoteHome Gardening is becoming an increasingly common activity in our everyday urban culture. We live in small apartments above busy, polluted cities, yet we make a point of dedicating precious time to surrounding ourselves with greenery, creating miniature gardens on our windows sills and balconies and verandas. We make space for storing soil and seeds in the kitchen cupboard, cooking utensils mutate and adapt to new agricultural tasks. Some of us grow trees for their seasonal fruits, maybe for their sweet fragrance or maybe just for their beauty; the fact is, we all have little secrets on how to care for and grow our little home gardens. And that is what we are looking for. We want to open a window onto the world of DIY home gardening. Our intention is to create a visual anthology of domestic gardening know how, a resource available to all. An open source collection of tools, mechanisms, instructions and gardening techniques, to which everyone will have access. /blockquote/p

pThere are several categories in which to enter: tools with great sentimental value, self-made tools and mechanisms, new life to a tool, specialized tools and utensils, and exotic objects. The objects may be pre-existing or designed especially for the show./p

pThe deadline is April 30th; all objects will be exhibited in Milan in May (yes, after design week). It’s a tight turnaround, so head to the a href=””site/a and download the call for entries./p

pa href=””bMade to Cultivate: Tools for Domestic Gardening/b/abr /
Deadline: April 30th, 2010/pa href=””(more…)/a
pa href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
a href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

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