Call for Entries: The Design Activist’s Handbook

Noah Scalin over at ALR Design is looking for submissions for The Design Activist’s Handbook a book that he is working on with writer Michelle Taute and is being published by HOW Books next year. Here’s what their looking for:

Artwork and interviews: Socially conscious design projects, both self-initiated and client projects, with good stories to go with them. We’d like to hear about failures and successes:
• Your first efforts at socially conscious design.
• Projects/situations where you struggled with ethics.
• How you manage to pursue socially conscious design and still pay the bills.
• What socially conscious design means to you.
• Situations/projects that helped you discover your power as a designer.

Referrals: Know someone else we should talk to? Or something you’d really like to see in the book? Please let us know! We’re especially interested in talking with in-house and agency designers who are working to affect change at their companies from the bottom up.

For more info submissions and referrals go here. All entries must be sent by July 16th of next week.

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