Bucky Fuller Institute’s World-o’-Solutions


The Buckminster Fuller Institute’s Idea Index website, described as “an open-source database of solutions to the world’s most pressing problems,” is now filled with crowd-sourced awesomeness–listing all of the entries from the 2009 Buckminster Fuller Challenge.

With 285 entries, there’s something for everyone, whether it’s Sustainable Personal Mobility solutions (pictured above), “SubEx,” a concept to move freight through urban subways, Solar Spaceport stations, and “Samasource,” a pilot program to find and harness the world’s untapped human talent.

The Idea Index is not just a static database of projects, it is an interactive hub for discussion and debate. The tools provided by the Idea Index allow users to comment on entries, contact the submitters, and engage in dialogue with the Buckminster Fuller Challenge community.

To see the Index, click here; for a more detailed description of the thinking behind the Index, click here.


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