Brush Hooks by Dominic Wilcox

Brush Hooks by Dominic Wilcox

London designer Dominic Wilcox claims he meant to leave these paint brushes unwashed so they would harden into coat hooks.

Brush Hooks by Dominic Wilcox

The Brush Hooks are on show at KK Outlet in London as part of an exhibition called Object Abuse. Designers including Michael Marriot, Max Lamb, Peter Marigold and F.A.T were asked to repurpose everyday objects. Object Abuse continues until 25 September and coincides with the London Design Festival. Check out our plans for the festival here.

Brush Hooks by Dominic Wilcox

Earlier this year Dominic Wilcox made a stylus that straps over his nose for using his touch-screen phone in the bath and coated the entire contents of an abandoned office in white paint.

The information below is from Wilcox:

‘Object Abuse’ at the KK Outlet, Hoxton Square, London.

The challenge given to a group of leading artists, designers and stylists was to ‘take an everyday object, remould, rebuild and repurpose it to create an entirely new item, using as little additional materials as possible.’

Inspired by the experience of forgetting to wash brushes after use and later finding the bristles hardened with paint, I turned some paint brushes into coat hooks.

Object Abuse – September at KK Outlet

Private View: Thursday 1 September
Exhibition Runs: 2 – 25 September

KK Outlet present Object Abuse as part of London Design Festival 2011.

KK Outlet have challenged a group of leading artists, designers and stylists to take an everyday object, remould, rebuild and repurpose it to create an entirely new item using as little additional materials as possible.

A hula-hoop becomes an atom.
For sale signs become a flat pack birdhouse.
A lightbulb becomes a micro-greenhouse
A sofa becomes a Pantomime horse

The aim of the project is to create a collection of re-imagined objects which highlight not only how everyday items can be recycled into something completely new but also how we think differently when we work with our hands and how physical interaction creates new ideas we wouldn’t have conceived staring at a screen.

The full collection of transformed works will be show at KK Outlet throughout September as part of London Design Festival and the ICON Design Guide.

Each item will be for sale during the show with all proceeds being donated to the St Monica’s of Hackney Primary School Art Department.

See also:


DIY Series by
Andre Pereira
Sticks and Stones and Broken Bones by Studio ToogoodSaucer by Eric Degenhardt
for Schönbuch
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