Bruce Boucher Appointed Director of UVA Art Museum

boucher.jpgArchitectural historian, educator, and curator Bruce Ambler Boucher (pictured at right) has been appointed director of the University of Virginia Art Museum in Charlottesville. March 1 will be his first day on the job. Since 2002, Boucher has been the curator of European sculpture at the Art Institute of Chicago. He also happens to be an expert on 16th-century Italian architect Andrea Palladio, which just might have helped cinch the director’s job, as Thomas Jefferson (UVA’s founder) was a huge Palladio fan. “I look forward to joining the University of Virginia both because of its great reputation and because of the opportunities that its art museum offers,” Boucher said in a statement issued by UVA. “The museum is an important part of the Jeffersonian ideals of this university, and it will be an honor to work with the museum’s excellent staff in determining its future path.”

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