Brighten The Corners: Stanley amp; Marvin


Providing another creative lesson in typography, Brighten the Corners‘ latest book, “Stanley & Marvin” is a charming follow up to their first venture in type-as-illustration books, ” Victor & Susie.”

Stemming from irregular trips to his native Greece, London-based designer Billy Kiosoglou worked with his Brighten the Corners partner Frank Philippin to create a story that expresses the difficulty of accepting change and the struggle of dealing with factors beyond our control. Like “Victor & Susie,” the latest book attracts adult readers for its witty use of fonts to create images and clever storyline but is still easy enough for children to get it.

When working on any new project, the multi-disciplined design duo reduces components to their most basic elements, a technique that allows them to create clear, concise work and success in a variety of design fields.

The 80-page book “Stanley & Marvin” is available for purchase from the Brighten the Corners shop for £5.

See more images after the jump.

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