Bottled Water is the Primary Cause of Restless Leg Syndrome

This clever Tappening advertising campaign challenges the notion of Truth in Advertising while embracing an opposing concept. Lying. Tappening co-founders ask, “Why is it some bottled water brands still don’t list their source?” and encourage their rapidly-growing customer base to “start a lie” themselves…

The campaign will include a website where anyone can go to “start their own lie” at, and can view or download a series of four ads to pass to their friends–which are all lies. This ad series includes:

1. Bottled Water Makes Acid Rain Fall on Playgrounds
2. Bottled Water is the Primary Cause of Restless Leg Syndrome
3. Bottled Water Causes Blindness in Puppies
4. Bottled Water: 98% Melted Ice Caps. 2% Polar Bear Tears

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