Both Home and Abroad for Milans Design Week


We would also be sad right now that we’re not soaking in all the design-y stuffs at Milan Design Week (or the Salone del Mobile, if you like saying that title as much as we do), except that it’s sunny and eighty degrees here in Chicago right now and it’s pretty tough to top that. But we’re not alone, not being there, as Dezeen reports this fun piece about artist/designer Karen Ryan, who couldn’t afford to make the trip to Milan, so instead she decided to host her own booth in her home in the UK, complete with its own advertisement reading (in rapidly shrinking font size) “Milan exhibition…in a room in…Portsmouth…England.” No matter what you think of Ryan’s work, you have to appreciate her moxy. For elsewhere on the web, if you’re interested in seeing what’s going on at the real Milan, we highly recommend checking out Core77‘s always terrific coverage. Our pals over at Wallpaper also have some boots on the ground and have put together this cool interactive map, updating it with photos and notes of what they’ve seen and where. Both should function as great resources to check out the new, the fun, and the weird, all of which are par for the course there every year. And hey, if you are in Milan right now and see something extra special, drop us a line and let us know. We’d love to hear about it.

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