Book scanning technology: What a difference five years makes
Posted in: UncategorizedpHere’s what the state-of-the-art in book scanning looked like circa 2005–a vacuum-based page turner and an overhead camera:/p
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pHere’s the ScanRobot SR300 from 2008, which could do 2,400 pages an hour:/p
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pNow a Tokyo University research team led by Masatoshi Ishikawa has developed an even better, faster way, by using software to account for the deformities in a page of text as it’s being turned over. Coupled with a camera shooting at 500 frames per second, this means you can flip through the book quickly and manually:/p
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pThe statistical improvement? The new tech can do about 12,000 to 15,000 pages per hour!/pa href=””(more…)/a
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